About DEV Technologies

DEV Technologies is a pioneering startup company dedicated to developing innovative medical devices. Our flagship product is a pair of digital glasses designed to enhance the visual capabilities of individuals with various visual impairments, including, but not limited to, Individuals with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), Myopia, Glaucoma, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). These digital glasses utilize digital zoom technology to magnify real-time images, offering levels such as 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, and more. The glasses feature a central micro or nano camera integrated into the frame, adjustable through a touchpad on the sides. They also include photochromic lenses for glare and sun protection, are waterproof, and come with a primary c-type charger and may be equipped with a secondary solar-powered charger.

Demographics & Eye Conditions

Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI): CVI is caused by damage to the brain's visual processing centers rather than issues with the eyes themselves. It often results from brain injuries or abnormalities, and it primarily affects infants and young children, although it can persist into adulthood.

  • CVI is prevalent among children in the United States. Early intervention, therapy, and educational support are essential for affected individuals to develop and learn.
  • CVI can manifest in various visual problems, ranging from mild to severe. Common symptoms include difficulties in responding to visual stimuli, recognizing faces and objects, understanding cluttered visual environments, and interacting with objects in their line of sight.

Nearsightedness (Myopia): Myopia occurs when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, causing distant objects to appear blurry. This can result from factors like steeply curved corneas, or longer-than-normal eyes.

  • Myopia affects individuals of all ages and is a common refractive error. It can develop during childhood and progress throughout adolescence.
  • Signs of myopia include eyestrain, headaches, squinting to see distant objects clearly, and difficulty reading road signs or classroom blackboards.

The benefits of Digital Magnification for individuals with CVI and Myopia

The benefits of utilizing smart glasses can range from having an increased field of vision (FOV) to the increase of one’s mobility and an enhancement of their existing abilities. Modern devices that incorporate digital magnification will subsequently lead to the obsoletion of their predecessors, which enabled individuals with visual impairments to achieve independence and mobility. It should be noted that prior to the existence of digital magnification, individuals with visual impairments solely relied on optical magnification as a temporary solution for viewing distant objects. Devices such as canes, guide dogs, and, most notably, binoculars and monocular were used to assist people in their daily lives.

While many benefited from using such methods or devices, they proved to be ineffective for others. Such demographics, like individuals with CVI and, subsequently, Myopia, may require further enhancement of magnification in order to achieve an adequate visual perspective. To their dismay, traditional devices that use optical magnification won’t allow the user to adequately enhance their field of vision beyond a certain point. The recent development and implementation of digital magnification in medical devices compensate for this disparity and bridge the gap between the limits of traditional optics and a further enhancement of one’s field of vision via digital magnification. One of the primary benefits of digital magnification is the expansion and virtually limitless potential to which one can magnify an object, resulting in one being able to potentially achieve 20/20 visual acuity. Conversely, the most prevalent downside to this is the narrowing field of vision (FOV) that occurs when any object is magnified to such an extreme, resulting in only a portion of the entire object being visible to the user.